2006-06-27 16:12:26 UTC
Just found this newsgroup. I am an old CDC hardware engineer from the
70's, involved first in 7600 support, tech support on the
7600/6600....then hardware design of the Cyber 175, assisting Canada in
getting their 170 program back on track, then in design of the Cyber
I recently found out about the Cray-Cyber organization and it spawned
great nostolgia and an intense interest in preserving any 7600 or its
descendents (76, 175, 176) that may still exist. While this may be near
impossible, there is a hope that it may not be too late to save the
175s in Cobra Judy. If anyone can provide any updated clues, contacts,
thoughts....I would be so greatful.
I would also love to hear any thoughts about any other machines on my
list, information on any other newsgroups that might have more
visibilty....and I can provide machine hardware insight to the best of
my fading memory on any of the above machines. my tech support days I was in the Eastern region and worked on
most all of the 7600/6600 machines in that area, a large number of
6400s, also support trips at other times to U of Montreal, LASL, LRL,
Berlin TU, U of Stuttgardt (and others that of course don't really
exist)...remember the days of the great EMI upgrades...was involved in
identifying the great module grounding/reliability issue on the 7600
while stationed in Huntsville
I have already contacted several of you that I found on this site, am
aware of the partial 7600 SN1 in California, 7600 S/N 3 in Chippewa....
70's, involved first in 7600 support, tech support on the
7600/6600....then hardware design of the Cyber 175, assisting Canada in
getting their 170 program back on track, then in design of the Cyber
I recently found out about the Cray-Cyber organization and it spawned
great nostolgia and an intense interest in preserving any 7600 or its
descendents (76, 175, 176) that may still exist. While this may be near
impossible, there is a hope that it may not be too late to save the
175s in Cobra Judy. If anyone can provide any updated clues, contacts,
thoughts....I would be so greatful.
I would also love to hear any thoughts about any other machines on my
list, information on any other newsgroups that might have more
visibilty....and I can provide machine hardware insight to the best of
my fading memory on any of the above machines. my tech support days I was in the Eastern region and worked on
most all of the 7600/6600 machines in that area, a large number of
6400s, also support trips at other times to U of Montreal, LASL, LRL,
Berlin TU, U of Stuttgardt (and others that of course don't really
exist)...remember the days of the great EMI upgrades...was involved in
identifying the great module grounding/reliability issue on the 7600
while stationed in Huntsville
I have already contacted several of you that I found on this site, am
aware of the partial 7600 SN1 in California, 7600 S/N 3 in Chippewa....